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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dad vs THE SON

For the past ten years I have been praying for my dad's salvation. He is an intellectual man who is very knowledgeable. As an atheist, He has spent most of his life wrestling with the idea of Jesus being the Son of God, never mind that Jesus rose from the dead to save us.

These were two topics worthy of great debates between him and I. He would present his argument of whatever he had read that supposedly gave proof that everything was a hoax. And I would defend the gospel with whatever knowledge I had. These debates happened for 10 years. And to tell you the truth, I thoroughly enjoyed them, even though they were super frustrating at times, My dad's points always kept me on my toes and I was forced to stay sharp. So I am greatful for those growth points in my life.

My dad read anything and everything that would reject the Bible's claim of Jesus, Salvation, and eternal life. His mission was to expose this hoax. But what he didn't know was that he was searching. The only time people are passionate about something is because they have a deep sense of seeking the truth. And as long as the truth eludes them, the more they will be fired up in pursuit of it. It`s like when you're hungry, you will seek out food and you will eat anything. But if you eat the wrong kinds of foods, your body will know it and you will have an unhealthy reaction - like getting fat. But if you eat the right food when you're hungry, your body will know it and have what it needs to respond accordingly - like have enough energy, nutrients, etc. Resulting in a healthier body.

In other words:
eat junk = unhealthy and craving healthiness, or,
Eat healthy = healthiness (truth) and craving life.

Well, my dad ate (read) junk his whole life, trying to satisfy the craving of truth but never found it. Until recently, he started reading healthier 'truth foods' and started finding sustenance for his craving soul.

On the 26th of December 2012, at 6pm, my dad, the hoax hunter, was lying in the trauma unit in hospital when he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. This was, by no means a spur of the moment decision. If anything, my dad made an informed decision after a life long process in trying to uncover the 'Jesus conspiracy'.

He is now a child of God but is still in hospital waiting to see if he will be accepted as a liver transplant candidate. Please pray they God may sustain and feed his soul in this time of deep questioning and wrestling that he may have, so that he may have the strength to fend off Satan's lies.

He is also major pain right now. Please pray for the pain to stop.

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