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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

For one to live, another must die!

My dad is in hospital. He needs to have a liver transplant or else he will only have 6-12 months left to live (predicts the doctor).

So, here's the thought. In order for my dad to receive a new liver, someone needs to die. In case you haven't noticed, 'Livers-R-Us' hasn't sent up shop yet. So someone needs to die and their liver needs to be given to my dad.

Now here's the question... can I pray that my dad gets a new liver?  Because invariably, I'll be asking God to, maybe, kill someone so that my dad may live. What do you do?

People tell me that they will pray for my dad to get a new liver. I don't think they have thought that statement through. Where do they think it will come from? If you pray that someone gets a liver, you are indirectly praying that someone else may die. Now that leaves a different family wrecked with the pain of losing a loved one.

What are your thoughts?

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